Our hydrogen cylinders are used throughout the world in a wide variety of storage applications by a host of different customers. Being the only worldwide manufacturer of all four Types (1,2,3,4) of hydrogen cylinders and systems, our customers use them for static storage, industrial applications, refilling stations, fuel cell usage and of course transport just to mention a few. The other unique aspect of Faber’s cylinders, is the fact we manufacture not only the shells, but also fabricate in-house, the liners for all Types of composites. Depending on the eventual use, Faber caters for a number of working pressures from the usual 200 bar for industrial users to 1100 bar when used for storage and a corresponding range of manufacturing standards/regulations. The latter include the widely used ISO 11119 series, EN 12245, EN 12257, UNECE Reg 134, EC79, ASME Section VIII Division I and III, ISO 19881, ISO 15869, EN 17533, EN 17339, JARI S 001 etc. All our cylinders are fully manufactured in-house and also certified/tested in our newly equipped test laboratory, by third party inspection bodies who have been appointed by Competent Authorities (Government).

Faber Hydrogen

As a supporting member, we are part of the Hydrogen Council, a global initiative of leading energy, transport and industry companies with a united vision and long-term ambition for hydrogen to foster the energy transition.

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